Dental Trends That Can Be Harmful To Your Oral Health

Social media apps have taken the world by storm. It always seems like a different viral video is bringing new trends about fashion, makeup, home decor tips, and even medical trends to the forefront. Medical and dental trends can be harmful because you do not know if the source is reliable or comes from a medical professional. Trying out these trends can be harmful to your oral and overall health. We want to discuss some of the more recent dental trends and explain why they are bad ideas.

Tips For Calming Your Nerves At The Dentist

Do you get nervous before you visit our office? If so, you are not the only one! Many people experience nervous feelings before they visit the dentist. However, we never want your nervous feelings to keep you from getting the dental care you need. We want to share some helpful tips to help you feel relaxed before and during your visit to our office. Read on to learn the tips.