The Importance Of Replacing Missing Teeth

Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are struggling to decide if you need to replace your tooth or if you should leave the space alone? Dealing with tooth loss can be extremely challenging for a patient, causing feelings of sadness, uncertainty, and confusion. We are here to help patients work through their feelings and get through the process of replacing their tooth or teeth. We encourage any patient to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible, no matter the location. The only teeth that do not need to be replaced are wisdom teeth and teeth that were removed prior to orthodontic treatment.

3 Things You May Not Know Are Harming Your Oral Health

We do all we can to help you look your best and feel good about your oral health. This is why we are passionate about maintaining your routine hygiene examination and scheduling any recommended treatments in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, some of the patients we see do not always have the best habits and make poor decisions that end up harming their oral health. While some patients experience immediate problems, others can expect to have issues in the near future. We want to share some common habits that can harm your oral health. Read on to learn more.