How to Deal with TMD This Holiday Season

Is jaw discomfort making you feel like the Grinch this holiday season? While the holiday season can leave many filled with joy, it is well known that the holidays can also be a huge cause of stress. This year is especially challenging due to the situation that we are all currently experiencing. Holiday traditions need to be changed, traveling plans need to be adjusted or cancelled, and gifts need to be purchased online—enough to cause anyone’s jaw to twitch with discomfort. For those who suffer with TMD, it can be even worse.

How To Prevent Gum Disease

During these challenging and unknown times, everyone is trying their best to boost their immune system and remain healthy. We all know that handwashing for 20 seconds multiple times a day is effective in combating illnesses and is helpful in avoiding getting sick. It is important to remember that your oral health also plays an important role in your overall health. Gum disease can be harmful to your teeth and gums, also increasing the risks of some serious health problems. Continue reading to learn more about gum disease and how to prevent it.