The Time Is Now!

Would you love to improve your smile but have been hesitant to mention your desires during your most recent visit? Or has it been some time since your last appointment and you are self-conscious about the amount of dental work you need? We never want our patients to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about visiting our office and expressing their feelings. We see patients every day who need dental treatments, and we never pass judgment. We offer a number of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic treatments that can transform your smile. Read on to learn more.

What to Know About Dental Crowns

Many times, when patients are experiencing dental issues or have not visited the dentist in several years, they assume the worst and immediately think their tooth will need to be extracted. Or, thanks to movies and television, the term root canal is often used when thinking of having a dental procedure. However, when patients are experiencing an issue with their oral health, there is another wonderful option that can restore the function of your bite and smile — a dental crown.