Does Thumbsucking And Pacifier Use Affect Teeth?

Do you have a young child or loved one who is always grabbing for their pacifier or continuously sucking their thumb? During early infancy, and even in the womb, it is natural for a baby to suck their thumb. It is a self-soothing technique and actually helps to teach them about the environment around them. Thumbsucking or pacifier use is also helpful as children transition into the late infancy stage and the early toddler years, as it can also be used as a coping mechanism when a child is feeling anxious or overwhelmed. At a certain age, pacifier use and thumbsucking become problems as it regards their teeth.

Check Your Calendar

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been some time since your last appointment, we encourage you to schedule your next visit today. We know that your life is busy, but the longer you postpone routine examinations, the greater the chance you will experience a dental emergency or some type of oral health complication. Delaying your examination and cleaning can eventually affect your overall health as well. Read on to learn more about the importance of routine appointments.

Warning Signs Not To Ignore

Life is extremely busy. No matter where you are in your life, it always seems like there is not enough time. Whether you have work, school activities, family obligations, or time with friends, it seems like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish the tasks on your to-do list. Unfortunately, busy schedules are often used as an excuse when dental care is not a priority. Routine hygiene examinations and cleanings are required not only to clean the teeth thoroughly, but also to monitor problem areas in the mouth. When treatments are postponed or delayed, you increase your chances of experiencing oral health complications.

It’s Never Too Late

Would you love to improve your smile but have been hesitant to learn more due to your age? Or perhaps you have severe oral health issues and complications and are discouraged from visiting our office. The start of a new year is the perfect time to evaluate the state of your oral health and inquire more about treatments you would love to know more about for your teeth. We are here to tell you that there is never a wrong time or age to improve your smile. If you are experiencing issues with your oral health, we would love to meet you. We offer no judgment about the current state of your oral health. We want to restore your smile and change your life. Read on to learn more.