Can Chewing Gum Help Your Oral Health?

Would you believe us if we told you that chewing gum could be good for your oral health? While we aren’t referring to sugary gum like Hubba Bubble or Bubble Yum, sugar-free chewing gum can be beneficial to your oral health. Many people consider chewing gum a form of candy, so they don’t chew it as often as they probably should. Chewing gum actually helps prevent tooth decay and cavities.

TMJ Awareness

Do you often wake up with a headache or experience regular, unexplained discomfort in your jaw? If so, you may be suffering from a common condition known as TMJ. This month is TMJ Awareness Month, so we want to explain more about this condition, given that so many people suffer but remain undiagnosed. We hope to provide awareness and support to those who suffer from this condition and help them find relief and treatment solutions. Read on to learn more about TMJ and to determine if you or a loved one is likely suffering from this condition.